Day 1: Ladders, ladders (Thrasher Cove - Camper Bay)

km 70.5 - km 62


Trailhead at Thrasher CoveLadders leading up into the forestThe first day on the actual trail. Had a very hard start... the first kilometer is just ladders. Our backpacks still have 25+ kg. Not really funny. Weather OK but very damp in the forest. Saw our first bear traces, very fresh, going on the trail for a few hundred meters. Should we have brought bells?

Cable car crossing Camper CreekOur first cable car. That's fun! Luckily I brought some gloves... The ride on the cable car can be very fast on the first half.

Beach at Camper Bay Camper Bay: The right name. A lot of people there, but still very nice. In the evening, we tried to dip our feet into the Pacific for the first time and even considered a short swim. My Gawd, that's cold... the swim was cancelled.

Up to the Overview. Nextday.